Thursday, March 12, 2009

well, shit. 3/12/09

so, it's been over a month since i posted. the healthy eating took a [predictable] turn to shit, and the job has become unbearable. 14 shifts left, a quick trip home, a week off and hopefully a brand new (or just revisited)lisa will be in the making.

in the mean time, i will count down my remaining shifts, decorate the new apartment, and try to make it to the gym at least once in the next 30 days. aim high sistah, aim high.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1/25/09 - Sunday, 1/26/09 Monday, and 1/27/09 Tuesday

1/25/09 - Sunday

A whirlwind trip home. In some schools, one might say I ate very well. In others, I ate poorly. Given my goal of being somewhat healthy, I'll go with the latter. Lots of carbs, delicious Italian food, late night snacking...something about being home in Boston that makes one yearn for comfort food. It may have had something to do with the low teen temperatures and the 18 inches of snow...but it all boils down to me and poor choices. It was lovely to see my family. Even though I've been gone for two weeks, the luxury of being able to see family and friends whenever is something that makes me long for their company. And I am so glad I was able to swing over the Brighton late night and have a much needed, albeit quick, cup of tea with Jenny. I haven't really had the chance to make many new friends here yet. And even when I do, there are certain people that I need a dose of to stay sane. Such is Jenny.

roasted red pepper, tomato, artichoke (from antipasto)
broccoli and chicken (from chicken/broccoli/ziti dish)
1 square of eggplant parm
(and here comes the downfall)
slice of cake
1 biscotti dolci
2 slices of deli pizza
handfull of m&m's
leftover thin crust veggie and chicken bbq pizza from Uno's
1/2 cup mac and cheese
handful of cheddar goldfish

1/25/09 - Monday

Flying back to Boston. Long flight. Back hurts...huge time. It may have something to do with all the standing and running and lack of sitting down combined with no sleep and draining flights, but I blame it on three days without the hot tub. And the crappity eating continued. Also, there is no way The English Patient should have won so many Oscars. It was crap, with exception for the good use of olive oil and a positive portrayal of nursing (which has been lacking in more recent entertainment genres). The characters were empty and boring and I frankly could not have cared less for them.

mini weight watchers bagel with low fat philly cream cheese
100 calorie pack of goldfish
thin bread turkey/cheese/mustard sandwich (thanks mom)
2 fig newtons
(and here is where i go wrong, or right, according to jim)
double-double animal style with fries from In-N-Out burger
salad with tomato, orange bell pepper, avocado
whole wheat tortilla's with provolone cheese...
and I finished off the rest of the provolone cheese

1/27/09 Tuesday

Back on track. But my back still hurts despite rest and hot tub and no gym. Even though I'm not going to be focusing on weight, I went out to Target this afternoon and purchased a scale. I though I had been doing well (sans the past two days). Guess not. A scale may serve as a better reality check than writing things down I suppose. At least it shocked me back into eating better today. And a better movie was watched as well, Let the Right One In. Leave it to the vampires to set everything right in the world.

hard boiled egg
whole wheat tortilla
GoLean crunch cereal with Activia yogurt and sliced banana
spicy seafood (from dinner with P.T., Amy, and Jeromy at chao krung)
popcorn (of course, at the movies!)


Saturday, January 24, 2009

1/23/09 Friday and 1/24/09 Saturday

Friday - work was much better. Chalk the previous post up to drama and lack of sleep. Things were better today, and I will leave it at that. After work, there was dinner at a Brazilian restaurant called Tropicalia. I had never had Brazilian food before, and will not likely ever have it again. It was decent enough while being consumed...but not so much when vomited up just before trekking to the airport early Saturday morning. I blame the "aged" mozzarella. Brazil is now off the list. After dinner (and pre puke fest) there was an MPW revelry at The Little Bar Lounge, which happened to be an East Coast themed bar. And much to my dismay, there was a false Cat Lady sighting, which may or may not have lead me to hitting P.T.'s friend Brad.

Caramel fiber bar
hard boiled egg
salad with grilled chicken, green apple, grapes, tomato, red bell pepper, and light Italian dressing
Chocolate fiber bar
Tomato and aged mozzarella cheese app at Tropicalia, followed by their seafood delight dish (shrimp, veggies, rice, plantanes = yum).
3 stella's


Whirlwind trip back to Boston for a family event on Sunday. Mostly flying, eating carbs, and drinking diet coke while watching Direct TV on Jet Blue (when it was working). The flight changed over in JFK, and I got to check out the new Jet Blue sort of looked like the bar in Total Recall. Once in Boston again, I enjoyed a nice dinner with my mom, and now it is time for some hard core sleeping. I will also mention that in my short time as a "Californian" I have become a complete temperature wus. I am now wearing 2 pairs of pajama pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, 2 sweatshirts, and my hat. Brrrrrrrrr.

plain bagel
animal crackers
crabcake sandwich (minus the bread), a few sweet potato fries
1 thin crust individual Uno's pizza: 1/2 chicken bbq, 1/2 eggplant/spinach/tomato.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1/21/09 - Wednesday and 1/22/09 Thursday

Tough day Wednesday. First day "on my own" at the new job. Thought it was going to be liberating...not so much. I was sent to work on a floor that was not the floor I trained on, and just couldn't keep up. I knew this was going to be a difficult transition, but the challenges I have been facing are far worse than I had imagined. I won't get into it...but basically it lead to me eating in an unhealthy manner. As in I didn't have a morning break, ate lunch after 3:30 pm for the third time, and no afternoon break...because I was running my ass off and still couldn't get things done. And it wasn't because I was lazing about or sitting...because there are no chairs for nurses on the floor I was floated to - because the seats are for doctors. Get me the hell out of here (but keep me in LA). 11 weeks left of this assignment. 11 weeks too much.

6:00 am - caramel fiber bar
3:30 pm - salad with turkey, tomato, weight watchers shredded cheese, avocado, hard boiled egg
strawberry banana yogurt
(and finally after two hours of hardcore crying when I got home)...
9:00 pm - an eggwhite/whole wheat tortilla with tomato, red onion, and broccoli, ww cheese
and a second burrito with just the extra veggies and some more cheese
and a plain tortilla...maybe with some cheese. maybe

And today is a new day...and I'm off. Too bad I will be stewing over the deplorable conditions NOT by the pool because it is cloudy. I will gym it, hot tub it, and spend the evening in the warm and comforting arms of VH1.

And...I didn't gym it, I couched it. And managed to make my way down to the hot tub. Back to work tomorrow - I hope I survive.

hard boiled egg
caramel fiber bar
bag of popcorn banana
turkey, ww cheese, tomato, broccoli, red onion, mustard in a whole wheat tortilla wrap
breaded chicken breast with roasted red potatoes
whole avocado
another bag of popcorn

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/20/09 - Tuesday

1/20/09 Tuesday

*workie work. Didn’t get to catch any of the inaugural proceedings, but I did get pooped on. What a day. Came home and literally melted infront of P.T.’s (or wait, was that meltdown?). It was the latter. Rejuvenated with crystal light and American Idol. So wrong that I was so comforted and relaxed by a simple cup of tea at the end of the day…but I was. And it was so homey and warm and all became right with the world. And just when things can’t seem more homey and warm and relaxing and great, I went in the jaccuzzi…my new nightcap.

Caramel fiber bar

Peach yogurt


Salad with tomato, avocado, hard boiled egg, orange bell pepper, lettuce, turkey, ww cheese

Green string beans

½ baked chicken breast, roasted potatoes

Salad with tomato and TJ dressing

Steamed carrots and sugar snap peas with EVO

Chocolate fiber bar

CUP OF TEA (hell’s yeah - the things one craves can really be surprising!)

What I did well: finally opted out of the fatty salad dressing at work. Didn’t overeat after work - which was quite the feat seeing how stressful a day it turned out to be.

Healthier decisions I could have made: have lunch earlier than 3:30pm – there were multiple things going on at work, but I really should have just broke off and taken some me time – even short breaks can completely refresh the body, and more importantly the mind (since it seems I am losing my mind at this job).

Activity: 12 hour shift baby!

1/19/09 - Monday

1/19/09 Monday

*slept in! sat by the pool (finally) and got a reasonable amount of sun – wow that felt so refreshing. Drove down to the Santa Monica Pier, ate lunch on the pier, watched the sunset (damn I forgot my camera), rode the famed ferris wheel, food shoppingat Ralph’s ( so unfair that it is way more expensive to eat healthy than not), gym, jaccuzzi, prepared lunches for work and baked chicken and potatoes for the week (easy, quick meals for when I get home from my long draining days at work).

Fiber bar

Tortilla chips and salsa

Seared ahi tuna with fruit salsa and mixed vegetables

½ hamburger bun

4 of P.T.’s fries

Blended ice pomegranate/blueberry/green tea from the coffee bean

Slice of monetary jack cheese in a whole wheat tortilla

What I did well: asked for my entrée without the rice (substituted for extra vegetables. Opted for the blended ice tea instead of ice cream. Went to the gym, even after a long day of being out and about!

Healthier decisions I could have made: just couldn’t resist those dang carbs! Omitting the rice was a strong move, but led to me eating some of P.T.’s hamburger bun and some fries (which he omitted for having some sort of sauce on it – for those who don’t know, P.T. doesn’t do condiments and has a strong aversion to anything containing vinegar. If you have the chance, ask him about the time we washed the new tile kitchen floor with vinegar for extra shine). The rice would have been a healthier choice, and would have satisfied that carb craving

Activity: 20 minutes on the elliptical, 15 minutes of arms on the weight machines.

1/18/09 Sunday

1/18/09 Sunday

*slept in! gym, walking, VH1 overload!

Left over Baigan Bortha




Salad with avocado, hard boiled egg

Steamed sugar snap peas, carrots, and brown rice


What I did well: lots of activity, used up all the produce before it went bad (always a challenge to judge how much to buy and to use it all before it goes south).

Healthier decisions I could have made: I did a good job today…but definitely needed more protein.

Activity: 20 minutes on the elliptical, 45 minute walk around Silver Lake Reservoir