Saturday, January 24, 2009

1/23/09 Friday and 1/24/09 Saturday

Friday - work was much better. Chalk the previous post up to drama and lack of sleep. Things were better today, and I will leave it at that. After work, there was dinner at a Brazilian restaurant called Tropicalia. I had never had Brazilian food before, and will not likely ever have it again. It was decent enough while being consumed...but not so much when vomited up just before trekking to the airport early Saturday morning. I blame the "aged" mozzarella. Brazil is now off the list. After dinner (and pre puke fest) there was an MPW revelry at The Little Bar Lounge, which happened to be an East Coast themed bar. And much to my dismay, there was a false Cat Lady sighting, which may or may not have lead me to hitting P.T.'s friend Brad.

Caramel fiber bar
hard boiled egg
salad with grilled chicken, green apple, grapes, tomato, red bell pepper, and light Italian dressing
Chocolate fiber bar
Tomato and aged mozzarella cheese app at Tropicalia, followed by their seafood delight dish (shrimp, veggies, rice, plantanes = yum).
3 stella's


Whirlwind trip back to Boston for a family event on Sunday. Mostly flying, eating carbs, and drinking diet coke while watching Direct TV on Jet Blue (when it was working). The flight changed over in JFK, and I got to check out the new Jet Blue sort of looked like the bar in Total Recall. Once in Boston again, I enjoyed a nice dinner with my mom, and now it is time for some hard core sleeping. I will also mention that in my short time as a "Californian" I have become a complete temperature wus. I am now wearing 2 pairs of pajama pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, 2 sweatshirts, and my hat. Brrrrrrrrr.

plain bagel
animal crackers
crabcake sandwich (minus the bread), a few sweet potato fries
1 thin crust individual Uno's pizza: 1/2 chicken bbq, 1/2 eggplant/spinach/tomato.

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