Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/17/09 - Saturday

1/17/09 Saturday

*slept in! went to the gym, lifted weights, day time Jacuzzi, drove to studio city for Indian food, and then walked around Universal Studio’s city Walk.



Mulligatawny soup

1 piece naan

White rice

Baigan Bortha (roasted eggplant simmered in spices with medium curry flavor)

Orange Sherbert (served in an orange rind)

Blended ice green tea from The coffee Bean.

What I did well: spent a long time in the gym, ate out, but did so within reason. Omitted the whipped cream from my green tea smoothie. Took leftovers of my eggplant dish home (hooray, didn’t eat the whole shebang!)

Healthier decisions I could have made: gone lighter with the white rice at Lal Mirch

Activity: 25 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes of arm weight machines.




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