Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/13/09 - Tuesday

1/13/09 – Tuesday

*Venice Beach for people watching, survived my first drive in LA rush hour on the way home from the beach, and went to the gym/hot tub, watched “O Brother Where Art Thou” on the laptop*

Slice of provolone cheese, swig of orange juice

Open faced egg white omelet (open faced due to small cheapo-chester frying pan that would not allow for the folding of omelets) with tomato, avocado, broccoli, garlic salt, and provolone cheese. Medium glass of OJ, half a banana, two pieces of whole grain bread (would have been toast, but we don’t have a toaster)

¼ orange bell pepper (while preparing lunch for tomorrow)

1 whole wheat tortilla (to stop the burn in my mouth from the chili pepper I tested out)

2 soft tacos on whole wheat tortillas with lettuce, brown rice, reduced fat cheddar cheese, homemade salsa (tomato, garlic, red onion, medium chili pepper, black pepper, sea salt, splash of EVO and two squeezes of lime juice) and homemade guacamole (avocado, tomato, red onion, garlic, and two squeezes of lime juice.

Note: If one has recently relocated from the northeast of the US to southern California, I do recommend purchasing a “medium” chili pepper unless the kick of a “ultra hot” chili pepper is desired. I do enjoy a good hot pepper, and this was far beyond my tolerance. In the event one do not head this warning, I advise having a tortilla or something on standby to put in your mouth goes up in flames. It helps.

What I did well: prepared both meals with fresh ingredients, experimented with new recipes (salsa and guac), brought lots of water to drink along to the beach, prepared my lunch for work for Wed and Fri (salads, see tomorrow’s post).

Healthier decisions I could have made: only ate 2 meals, no snacks. Could have done without the slice of provolone cheese at 5am, but I woke up and was starving…and that stopped the grumbling of my stomach. Perhaps just one slice of bread with the omelet, but I think that was ok. The extra whole wheat tortilla was a necessity – that “medium” chili pepper was a bitch.

Activity: went to the gym, hooray! The equipment is rather limited, but it works and is free. Did the recumbent bike for 45 minutes. It helped that each cardio machine is hooked up with an invidual TV. Since we still don’t have cable, it was a quick ride watching VH1. Sweet, sweet VH1.


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