Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/20/09 - Tuesday

1/20/09 Tuesday

*workie work. Didn’t get to catch any of the inaugural proceedings, but I did get pooped on. What a day. Came home and literally melted infront of P.T.’s (or wait, was that meltdown?). It was the latter. Rejuvenated with crystal light and American Idol. So wrong that I was so comforted and relaxed by a simple cup of tea at the end of the day…but I was. And it was so homey and warm and all became right with the world. And just when things can’t seem more homey and warm and relaxing and great, I went in the jaccuzzi…my new nightcap.

Caramel fiber bar

Peach yogurt


Salad with tomato, avocado, hard boiled egg, orange bell pepper, lettuce, turkey, ww cheese

Green string beans

½ baked chicken breast, roasted potatoes

Salad with tomato and TJ dressing

Steamed carrots and sugar snap peas with EVO

Chocolate fiber bar

CUP OF TEA (hell’s yeah - the things one craves can really be surprising!)

What I did well: finally opted out of the fatty salad dressing at work. Didn’t overeat after work - which was quite the feat seeing how stressful a day it turned out to be.

Healthier decisions I could have made: have lunch earlier than 3:30pm – there were multiple things going on at work, but I really should have just broke off and taken some me time – even short breaks can completely refresh the body, and more importantly the mind (since it seems I am losing my mind at this job).

Activity: 12 hour shift baby!

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