Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/12/09 - Monday

1/12/09 - Monday

*first day of work, dinner with P.T. and Amy.

Hard boiled egg, large glass of orange juice

Caramel fiber bar

Breaded chicken breast with 2 roasted potatoes

Large diet coke from café, extra large diet coke from café

Restaurant “Buddha’s Belly” - hot green tea (no sugar!), diet coke, 1 chicken potsticker with soy sauce, green curried chicken with vegetables and white rice (although I was totally jealous of Amy’s pad thai when our entrées were served – note to self: next time at Buddha’s Belly – get the pad thai!). a few sweet potato fries off of P.T.’s plate

What I did well: prepared my food for work, keeping in mind that old Weight Watchers (and life, at that matter) adage, “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Had protein in the morning and a high fiber snack mid morning to help prevent hunger from prevailing.

Healthier decisions I could have made: a medium glass of orange juice instead of large – that’s a lot of sugar (albeit natural) to ingest to start the day off. Trying to limit my soda intake – one is ok, but perhaps I’ll bring a water bottle to work next go round and add some crystal light. Ask for brown rice with my dinner instead of the white rice. Although I ate half of the rice, I had the entire bowl of curried chicken – not an unhealthy selection, but I could have taken home leftovers. And I definitely could have shown more control and not had the sweet potato fries. But I forgive myself.

Activity: I have made the executive decision that when working a 12 hour day shift, I need not push myself in the activity department. Ask any nurse, and she or he shall agree.


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