Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1/25/09 - Sunday, 1/26/09 Monday, and 1/27/09 Tuesday

1/25/09 - Sunday

A whirlwind trip home. In some schools, one might say I ate very well. In others, I ate poorly. Given my goal of being somewhat healthy, I'll go with the latter. Lots of carbs, delicious Italian food, late night snacking...something about being home in Boston that makes one yearn for comfort food. It may have had something to do with the low teen temperatures and the 18 inches of snow...but it all boils down to me and poor choices. It was lovely to see my family. Even though I've been gone for two weeks, the luxury of being able to see family and friends whenever is something that makes me long for their company. And I am so glad I was able to swing over the Brighton late night and have a much needed, albeit quick, cup of tea with Jenny. I haven't really had the chance to make many new friends here yet. And even when I do, there are certain people that I need a dose of to stay sane. Such is Jenny.

roasted red pepper, tomato, artichoke (from antipasto)
broccoli and chicken (from chicken/broccoli/ziti dish)
1 square of eggplant parm
(and here comes the downfall)
slice of cake
1 biscotti dolci
2 slices of deli pizza
handfull of m&m's
leftover thin crust veggie and chicken bbq pizza from Uno's
1/2 cup mac and cheese
handful of cheddar goldfish

1/25/09 - Monday

Flying back to Boston. Long flight. Back hurts...huge time. It may have something to do with all the standing and running and lack of sitting down combined with no sleep and draining flights, but I blame it on three days without the hot tub. And the crappity eating continued. Also, there is no way The English Patient should have won so many Oscars. It was crap, with exception for the good use of olive oil and a positive portrayal of nursing (which has been lacking in more recent entertainment genres). The characters were empty and boring and I frankly could not have cared less for them.

mini weight watchers bagel with low fat philly cream cheese
100 calorie pack of goldfish
thin bread turkey/cheese/mustard sandwich (thanks mom)
2 fig newtons
(and here is where i go wrong, or right, according to jim)
double-double animal style with fries from In-N-Out burger
salad with tomato, orange bell pepper, avocado
whole wheat tortilla's with provolone cheese...
and I finished off the rest of the provolone cheese

1/27/09 Tuesday

Back on track. But my back still hurts despite rest and hot tub and ibuprofen...so no gym. Even though I'm not going to be focusing on weight, I went out to Target this afternoon and purchased a scale. I though I had been doing well (sans the past two days). Guess not. A scale may serve as a better reality check than writing things down I suppose. At least it shocked me back into eating better today. And a better movie was watched as well, Let the Right One In. Leave it to the vampires to set everything right in the world.

hard boiled egg
whole wheat tortilla
GoLean crunch cereal with Activia yogurt and sliced banana
spicy seafood (from dinner with P.T., Amy, and Jeromy at chao krung)
popcorn (of course, at the movies!)



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