Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1/15/09 - Thursday

1/15/09 Thursday

*hooray for cable! Cable and hot tubbin’ and more cable.

Egg white burrito with egg white (duh) broccoli and cheese in whole wheat tortilla.

Fiber bar


Salad with tomato, orange bell pepper, tomato, and TJ’s dressing.

Shrimp, whole wheat pasta with vegetables and mixed with fat free cream of chicken soup – sort of tasted like shrimp pot pie…if there were such a thing.


What I did well: props to me for thinking of the breakfast burrito – is was AWESOME. P.T. and I only had a serving each of the “shrimp pot pie”, unlike the last time I made the dish (although it was teriyaki for the sauce and not the cream of chicken. Hooray for leftovers!

Healthier decisions I could have made: I think I did pretty good today.

Activity: gym, 30 minutes on the elliptical runner!

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